Main functions of TL ISM PSTU are:

·         Realization of certification of information safety means or other program (program-techical) means, so that they meet the requirements of directive documents FSTEC of Russia and national standards, including nondeclared possibilities;

·         Conduction of extra tests of information safety means or other program (program-technical) means by the decision of FSTEC of Russia;

·         Examination of normative and program-technical documentation.

TL ISM PSTU conducts the following works:

·         Cetification testing of information protection means or other program (program-technical) means and makes up conclusions and certification testing protocols;

·         Guaratees reliability, objectivity and requested accuracy of testing results;

·         Gives customer the opportunity to observe testing;

·         Keeps given and agreed terms;

·         Analyses and systematizes testing results;

·         Participates in testing of manufacturing environment and certification of information safety means and other program (program-technical) means in accordance with the requirements of quality management;

·         Conducts technical inspections in order to control the quality of certified information protections means or other program (program-technical) means;

·         Provides consultative help to testing departments of companies, releasing information protection means or other program (program-technical) means;

·         Analyses the reasons of nonconformity of tested information safety means or other program (program-technical) means.

TL ISM PSTU guarantees confidentiality and keeps commercial secrets.

Testing laboratory ISM PSTU has modern equipment and hardware. Instrumential and program means are used in testing and expertizing:

·         Testing and modeling;

·         Revealing and elimination of discontent;

·         Fixation and control of initial states;

Specialists of TL ISM PSTU developed software for recognition and control of nondeclared possibilities absence – “Ekspert-OASIS”, which allows to solve the following problems:

·         Automation of certification testing for absence of discontents at control level 1-4;

·         Testing of software for absence of discontent in conditions of intial texts lack;

·         Recreation of used procedures functional specification;

·         Software passport making to prevent discontent;

·         Control of software production quality.

In comparison with analogues, its use allows to reduce the time of intrumental analysis for 1-2, namely up to several hours. As a result, it cuts the prise of certification testing. The product is invariant to operating systems and programming languages, and it gives an opportunity to conduct testing for discontent of software in conditions of lack of initial texts.   

Software “Ekspert-OASIS” received an approval of FSTEC of Russia and was awarded gold medal of national safety branch prize “Zubr-2007”.


Certification of program, as well as any other production, is performed with the goal to protect user from pruduction of low quality. Certificate of standard quarantees that purched program product meets all the requirements of normative documents conditions and characteristics. Certification testing of program (program-technical) means are conducted in order to define completeness and correctness of functional requirements realization and to provide quality of released products. Certification testing of program product on absence of nondeclared possibilities allows to reveal project mistakes or mistakes, made by programmers; these by some actions of users or because of special combination of input data, may give unexpected result. Certification testing on absence of nondeclared possibilities is necessary for provision of full functional safety of program (program-technical) means and information safety when they are used. During the certification process also take place upgrading, improvement of quality of software and clarification of some normative requirements, some solved project problems, and finally prescriptions and field of application. All in all, software certification, following the requirements of normative documents, will let create high-quality, functionaly safe systems and will hepl to reduce expenses  for development and usage of these systmes.

All officers of TL ISM PSTU have great experience in the area of information protection and information safety, including conduction of certification testing.


Head of TL ISM PSTU – professor, doctor of Engineering Science, honored worker of Science of Russian Federation Anatoly A. Kornienko.

Vice-head of TL ISM PSTU – expert of Certification System at Federal Railway Transport Svetlana V. Diasamidze

Address: 190031, St.-Petersburg, Moskovsky pr. 9, room 2-115


Phone number +7 812 310 34 72

Phone number +7 911 097 25 65


e-mail: sv_diass99@rambler.ru