Educational skills of future specialists mostly depend on the quality of mathematics course in technical university. At the same time one of the most important points appears to be applicability of the mathematics course. Department of Mathematics and Modeling in Petersburg State Transport University guarantees general mathematic training on faculties of Railway Operations, Economics and Social Management and Electrical Engineering.

The department offers students training on the subject Mathematics on all specialities and specializations on three mentioned above faculties, it also trains students of extra-mural form of education. Department of Mathematics and Modeling provides fundamental training course on mathematics for students. More over, it organizes the course on elementary mathematics, as well as extra pre-university course on mathematics, and works with pupils of St.Petersburg and other regions. Postgraduates and department’s assistants defend master theses and improve their qualification.

Professors of the department are professional mathematicians, who graduated from mathematical faculties of universities. It had an important influence on creating and strengthening connections with specialized departments, complemented mathematics course with extra examples and methods, which are in accordance with different specialities of transport university. Educational process is supplied with wide study programs, approved by faculty methodical committees. Methodical provision on different course sections (teaching aids, learning plans, individual tasks, laboratory works software and e.t.c.) are developed and constantly upgraded.